Different Ways To Pay

Looking to update your furniture.

Want to get a few things at the same time. Maybe change your bedroom suite and your lounge. Add in a new dining as well.

All this is possible with the various payment options offered at Thriftway Furniture.

If you don’t want your new furniture straight away then why not layby. Come in choose your furniture and pay a deposit. You can then make fortnightly payments until you are ready to get the goods.

We offer a long term layby service for people who are building a new house or are renovating their existing property.

Choose the goods and then pay them off while you are waiting for your house to be finished. Then get the goods delivered straight to your new home.


Another option is Certegy Ezi-Pay. This take home layby service is an easy way to get your goods delivered straight away and then pay it off over the next year while relaxing on your brand new couch. Requiring an upfront deposit, you then make fortnightly direct debits.

Some conditions do apply. For more information check out https://www.certegyezipay.com.au/


Otherwise there is always Latitude (previously GE Finance) Interest Free.

No deposit is required and different payment periods are available.

Another way to get your goods first and pay later

For more information have a look at https://www.latitudefinancial.com.au/

You can also walk in and pay cash or on credit card.

Whichever option you choose, there is a way for you to get your new furniture.

Payment Plans Available
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